Friday, August 16, 2013

Its all happening on Facebook - Join us there

We believe in keeping you up to date and connecting with all our friends and supporters.

The easiest way to do this with regular updates,  pictures and insights on our Facebook page.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Wish list for Mandela Day

Thought I must share this internal letter between the Homestead social worker and our Ops Mangager about a "Mandela Day"  wish list (Pls use google translate to change from Afrikaans):

"More Juf Annie
My wishlist is om in elke cottage iets te he wat die kinders besig hou waarvan hulle regtig hou. Ek en Charmaine het dit bespreek en saam ge'wish'en gedroom/dink.

Junior cottage: Ons maak een van die kamers 'n speel kamer. Die hele kamer is vol verskillende speelgoed (trein stelle, karretjies, diertjies, blokkies, lego's, legkaarte, games ens ens. Met klein kleurvolle tafeltjies en stoeltjies waar hulle kan teken, inkleur etc. - Amper soos 'n kleuterskool maar vir bietjie ouer kinders).

Dit sal 'n goeie manier wees om die kinders binne te hou en hulle te laat ophou buite rond hang; ons kan hulle leer van deel en om skoon te maak, om agter hulle goed te kyk.
Die een reel sal wel wees dat hulle daar binne met enige iets kan speel maar mag NIKS uit die kamer vat. As hulle wel mag hulle nie vir die volgende week daar speel nie... of so iets.

Middle cottage: Een kamer word 'n rekenaar kamer - ons is nog nie heeltemal sekere hoe dit kan werk nie maar dis 'n idee. Daar sal altyd iemand moet wees wat kan supervise (ons het gedink miskien van die volunteers). Daar is mos verskeie rekenaars wat geskenk gaan word. Hulle kan huiswerk en take doen en miskien selfs later iemand kry om rekenaar klasse aan te bied.

Senior cottage: Ons maak die een kamer 'n gym en skuif die dinningroom na die leefarea/tv kamer - daar is meer as genoeg plek. Die senior seuns het gese hulle wil 'bodybuilding' doen - hulle wil weights en machine he waarop hulle kan oefen. Weer sal dit hulle ook besig hou en self-confidence bou. Toe ek moes uitvind watse spot of aktiwiteite hulle wil doen het hulle self met die idee opgekom en meeste was baie opgewonde.

Miskien 'n bietjie far-fetched idees.. maar dit is immers 'n WISHlist. :)

Lekker dag

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Day in the Life of the Homestead by Steve Moakley

Recently Steve Moakley, a Photographer from Texas, generously spent some time capturing the life of the Homestead Projects for Street Children.  Here are a few of his wonderful photographs. 
 Please support the work of the Homestead 
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Government Showers Winter Warmth on the Homestead

Today the Homestead was very pleased and grateful to receive a warm winter hug from the Western Cape Provincial Government.   Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela of Human Settlements, Minister Albert Fritz from Social Development and their interns popped in to donate a pile of blankets and nourishment to the vulnerable children and their families that the Homestead works with.  The Western Cape Government is a key partner of the Homestead and provides direct subsidies towards our running costs.  

D Section Representatives, Ministers, Councillors and the Director show off the bright blankets.

D Section Community representatives, homestead children and government interns 

Piles of warmth and nourishment

Minister Fritz, Minister Madikizela and Homestead Director Paul Hooper discuss how "Your children will become what you are, so be what you want them to be"

Monday, June 3, 2013

The team says a sad farewell to the old, and gives a warm welcome to the not so new.

The Homestead Team at the Director  thanking Sandra for her 9 years of brilliant service to the Homestead

On  the 1 May 2013  the Homestead said a sad official goodbye to Sandra Morreira who has retired after 9 very successful years as the Homestead director.   Paul Hooper, who has worked with street children in various capacities since 1988,  takes over from Sandra as the new Homestead director.   Thankfully  Sandra remains connected behind the scenes helping the Homestead to continue to change lives.

You can follow Paul on twitter: @pvhooper
You can also follow the Homestead on facebook:

Many thanks to  Newkidz on the block who arrived this month with 110 volunteers and transformed the rear of our  building into a wonderful bright park for our children to play in.