Monday, May 24, 2010

The boys get beanies from Gogo Magic

Ashley Hayden brought the children beanie hats knitted by grandmothers which they loved!!

We break the ground for the new building in Khayelitsha - 21st May 2010

Ashley Hayden, actress and our Master of Ceremonies; Peter Cropper, Trustee of Dame Hilary Cropper Charitable Foundation and our Lead Donor; and Mansoor Mohamed, Executive Director of Social Development City of Cape Town and our Campaign Patron at the ground breaking ceremony on Friday 21st May 2010. A momentous moment in The Homestead's history.

The Mayor of Cape Town, Dan Plato, Councillor Kotyi of Khayelitsha, Ashley Hayden actress and MC and Peter Cropper of the Dame Hilary Cropper Charitable Foundation, our lead donor

The Homestead staff having a proud moment at the ceremony

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Homestead Intake Shelter Needs List May 2010

Approximate costs are in South African Rands - Every little bit helps us to meet the monthly budget!
Activity Room: 3 stackable tables for children’s recreation @ R3,200 each
Activities: Punching bag for boxing (anger management tool) @ R600
Activities: Fold away table tennis table @ R3,000
                  Net, brackets, 6 bats & 6 balls @ R360
Activities: Soccer boots x 14 pairs @ average price R300 ea
Repainting: Dining room R4,000
                     Recreation room R2,000
School fees: BEST Centre annual fees R1,400 x 3 boys
Art materials: Clay, plasticine, paints, paint brushes, paper, pretty paper for thank-you cards, glue, scissors
Stationery: Exam pads, files, printer cartridges, pens, envelopes, printing paper
Kitchen equipment:
Dishing spoon
Tin opener
Spoons x 20
Big pot (Stainless steel)
Garbage bin
Broom (inside, soft)
Broom (Outside, hard)
Clothes for boys and youth up to 16 years: T-shirts @ R35 each, anything and everything!
35 towels @ R45 each
35 fitted sheets @ R75 ea
35 pillows @ R50 each
Cleaning supplies:
4 dishwashing liquid @ R30ea
20 Skip washing powder @ R24
4 Domestos @ R16 each
4 Handy Andy @ R24 each
Toilet brush
Medical and hygiene supplies:
10 toothpaste @ R7 each
10 deodorant @ R15 each
4 petroleum jelly @ R15 each
4 rolls plasters @ R24 each
4 gauze swabs 100 mm @ R15
3 Savlon antiseptic @ R20 each
1 x 48-pack toilet paper @ R75
7 sugar 5 kg @ R34 ea
5 rice 2 kg @ R20 ea
8 polony 1 kg @ R16 ea
10 cooking oil @ R13 ea
10 mealie meal 2 kg @ R13 ea
10 oats 2 kg @ R19 ea
16 soya mince @ R8 ea
15 margarine @ R6 ea
40 milk @ R6 ea

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Upcoming ground breaking ceremony for the new Child and Youth Care Centre in Khayelitsha

News flash! We are ready to start with Stage One of the new building project - the residential care centre. Here is the invitation to the sod turning with a local artists's impression of the final Centre. Ashley Hayden of Survivor SA will be the MC, and our lead donor, Dame Hilary Cropper Charitable Foundation, will be represented by Peter Cropper. The Mayor of Cape Town, Dan Plato, will reprsent the City. More news afterwards!!!

The best event ever!

The Homestead Events Committee held the most fantastic jazz lunch on Sunday 18th April at the Table Bay Hotel to raise funds for the extension to the Intake Shelter. Many, many thanks to Carla Antoni, Anneline Bacon, Winnie Bowman, Aimee Graaff, Wendy Green, Vicky Hide, Tammy Hirschsohn, Tshepo Modies Harvey, Margaret Sarembock, Dagmar Schumacher, Lushana Tyga and Annie van Wyk who all worked so hard to make this event the success that it was. What a beautiful event and an amazing achievement in terms of funds raised.

Here are some pictures for the record!

The stunning room at the Table Bay Hotel.

Beautiful decor and programmes

The lunch was presented by outstanding chefs from "The Leading Hotels of the World". Dallas Orr from Table Bay Hotel, Malika van Reenen from Cape Grace Hotel,
Michael McIntyre from The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa, Nick haszard from One and Only Cape Town. In the centre is Andrew de Bruin, a former Homestead boy and now a pastry chef at the Cape Grace as well as a wonderful husband and father!

Jazz musicians Buddy Wells, Feya Faku, Mark Fransman, Wesley Rustin, Jonno Sweetman and Graham Beyer

Accompanied by the fantastic voice of singer Melanie Scholtz

Renowned artist Paul du Toit, who creates a phantasmic world from his forest of symbols and colour. Paul gave his time to create paintings together with some of the children especially for this event.

Irit Noble, comedian and motivational speaker, made a very amusing Master of Cermonies (and sang a beautiful song too)! Here she is introducing Paul du Toit before the silent auction of children's art. Paul gave his time to work together with some of the Homestead's children to create joint paintings. He is a passionate supporter of vulnerable children.

There were also some wonderful and moving paintings done by the children in art therapy with Shadi Ganz.

Some examples of the artworks created.

The best auctioneer you have ever seen - Ariella Kuper of Auction Alliance. Ariella volunteered her time and skills to auction the 16 amazing items donated so generously by companies, artists, jewellers and individuals.
Ariella raised a record amount of money for The Homestead at the auction.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this best event ever.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ashley Hayden plays Survivor S.A. Santa Carolina for The Homestead

For several gruelling weeks, this well-known South African TV personality underwent very difficult conditions on the Mocambican island in order to try and win as the ultimate survivor - with a prize of R500,000 for the charity of her choice.
On the right is Ashley in her stage persona.

On the left is Ashley during Survivor!

She played the most amazing strategic game, always with the children in mind and with the goal of raising this money for The Homestead.
We attended the nail-biting Finale in Johannesburg on 21st April, where Ashley was voted best player by the general public, but unfortunately voted out by her fellow players who she had outsmarted during the show, using various strategies. In fact, Ashley played like a street child - using her wits and manipulating others to get what she needed!
During her gruelling stay on the island, the Homestead Director sent her this letter to encourage her to continue:
24th November 2009

Dear Survivor

Thank you for choosing The Homestead, which helps the most vulnerable and damaged children in our society. Thank you for recognizing their strong will to survive. As you are struggling to survive now……….

When things are tough, don’t give up. Remember that street children have been through just as much pain as you. Think of them sleeping on hard pavements and doorways with no shelter from the rain, heat or cold. Think of the hunger always, always gnawing at their stomachs. They feel dirty, and smell dirty, but they can’t wash. Most of all, they suffer because they don’t have love and protection and adult guidance. Think of how hollow their hearts must feel.

Street children are not only running away from awful situations of neglect and abuse – they are also running towards people who can help them. You are one of those people. You give meaning to the hope in their hearts that some day someone will care enough to help them. You must survive – for the children!

Because if you win, your contribution will go toward the Child and Youth Care Centre we want to build in Khayelitsha next year. This centre will accommodate 75 boys who were living on the streets but are now in The Homestead’s care, back at school, learning to respect themselves and other, learning that it is safe to love and be loved, learning how it feels just to be a child. The Centre will help hundreds of boys over the years to come. And it will stand as a monument to your will to survive.

When you feel that you cannot go on, remember that we are with you. There are 100 boys in The Homestead’s care today. That’s 100 hearts singing for you, 100 spirits surrounding you with love, 100 voices cheering you on, 200 arms around you, 200 hands holding you up.

Don’t give up. Survive as street children survive. Do it as your legacy to children who are hurting but who can be healed. We’re so proud of you.

On behalf of all The Homestead children and staff

Sandra Morreira

Ashley said that this letter helped her to keep going when she was feeling really low. As a result of her achieving second position in Survivor, Ashley won an amazing R200,000 for The Homestead. We also received R20,000 from Liquifruit and R10,000 vouchers from Pick 'n Pay. And she isn't stopping there! She will be attending the ground breaking ceremony for our new Child and Youth Care Centre, and has lots of ideas to raise more money for the building.We still need another R1.5 million to build the Early Intervention Centre and Community Hall.
Thank you, Ashley, for your amazing personal contribution to our work with street children. You will help to change many lives over the next years when the centre can provide quality developmental care to the children.