Thursday, August 20, 2009


The Bridge at Elukhuselweni Children’s Home.

What: Bath Towels
Supplier: Kolnicks or Colibri Towels
Cost: 60 towels @ R50.00 each = R3000

What: Books (Guinness Book of world records, novels).
Supplier: N/A
Cost: N/A

What: Bread Baking loaf pans
Supplier: Shoprite, Pick n Pay etc
Cost: 5 pans @ R99.00 each = R495.00

What: Curtains for staff bathroom (standard bathroom size) & kitchen. (Yellow/blue colour scheme).
Supplier: Ackermans or Pep Stores
Cost: R1000

What: Dvd Machine and action dvd’s
Supplier: Hi-Fi Corporation, Game or Pick n Pay
Cost: R500.00

What: Kitchen Utensils: Very large (stainless steal). 2 x spoons, Egg lifter
Supplier: N/A
Cost: N/A

What: Knifes and Forks
Supplier: Shoprite, Pick n Pay etc
Cost: R400.00

What: Pillows
Supplier: Kolnicks
Cost: 50 pillows @ R29.99 each = R1500

What: Seedlings and seeds (vegetables and flowers)
Supplier: Any nursery
Cost: content

What: School stationary: (Pencil cases, crayons, sharpeners, erasers, scissors, calculators, glue & dictionaries).
Supplier: N/A
Cost: N/A

What: Socks
Supplier: Pep Stores
Cost: 60 pairs @ R15.00 each = R900

What: Toys (monopoly, dominoes).
Supplier: N/A
Cost: N/A

What: Underpants or trunkies
Supplier: Pep Stores
Cost: 60 pairs @ R29.99 each = R1799.40

What: Water Glasses
Supplier: Shoprite, Pick n Pay
Cost: 30 glasses @ R10.00 each = R300